CV vs Resume – What are the Key Differences with Examples?

Ever found yourself staring at a job description, wondering “what is the difference between a CV and a resume?” You’re not alone. Most people either think CVs and resumes are the same thing or know they’re different but aren’t sure when to use each.

This unawareness and confusion could result in loss of valuable career opportunities.

While often used interchangeably, CVs and resumes differ in format, purpose, and usage. Understanding the curriculum vitae CV vs resume differences is crucial for your job search success.

Let’s clear up the confusion, since many wonder “is CV and resume the same?”. Let’s breakdown the key differences with a quick comparison:

Aspect CV (Curriculum Vitae) Resume


Typically 2-3 pages or longer Generally 1-2 pages


A detailed document which highlights one’s entire academic and professional life. A concise document which outlines only the main skills and experiences.


Used to apply for academic, scientific or research positions. Used to apply for a job in various, miscellaneous industries.


Detailed overview of education, work history, publications, awards, speeches etc. Just the job-relevant skills, experiences and achievements.


Static in nature, rarely changed for specific roles. Dynamic. Tailored to meet job demands.


Academia, research, legal, medical and scientific fields Corporate, financial, business, tech and IT sectors and internships
Regional Differences Common in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa Standard in United States and Canada


You must have acquired a better grasp now. It’s a great start to see everything in one glance, but feeling 100% sure is key.

This article will walk you through the finer details of Resume vs CV. By the end, you’ll also find examples of both to ensure there’s no room for uncertainty. Let’s dive in!

What is the Difference Between a CV and a Resume?

Let’s start with the basics: what exactly is a CV and what is a resume? Understanding their definitions, purpose and structures side-by-side will be crucial and helpful.

CV vs Resume: Key Distinctions Explained

Difference Between CV vs Resume

What is a CV (Curriculum Vitae)?

A Curriculum Vitae—or CV for short—translates to “course of life” in Latin. And that’s exactly what it is: a detailed narrative of your entire academic and professional journey. Every significant milestone, from internships to publications, awards, and achievements, finds its place in this “career biography”.

Key Features of a CV

  1. Length and Detail

A CV is usually two plus pages long and can reach upto 5 pages for seasoned academics and researchers. It provides an exhaustive record of career milestones.

  1. Purpose and Use

A CV is meant to offer a detailed account of academic and professional achievements for thorough evaluation. It is commonly used in academia, research, medicine, and law, as well as in international job markets like Europe and Asia. CV is particularly essential when applying for research grants, fellowships, or postdoctoral roles.

  1. Contents

A CV usually includes following sections:

  • Personal Information

Contact details, LinkedIn profile and nationality.

  • Education

Degrees, institutions, dates, and honors.

  • Professional Experience

Roles, responsibilities and achievements.

  • Research and Publications

Peer-reviewed articles, researches, books, and presentations.

  • Awards and Honors

Scholarships, grants and recognitions.

  • Skills and Certifications

Technical expertise and languages.

  • Speeches and Seminars

List of special lectures given and conferences conducted or attended.

  • Teaching Experience

Especially for academia.

  • Optional: Record of Volunteering and Hobbies (if relevant).

Pro Tip: To maintain readability in multi-page CVs, keep the layout clean.and organized.

Who Should Use a CV?

A CV is typically the right choice if you’re:

  • Applying for academic or research positions such as professorships, PhD programs or postdoctoral research positions.
  • A medical professional, applying for residencies, fellowships or research-based roles.
  • A legal professional seeking academic, judicial or specialized roles.
  • Pursuing a career outside the US and Canada, especially in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
  • Seeking research grants or fellowships in any field.

Why Does a CV Matter?

The comprehensive structure of a CV helps employers and academic committees to better evaluate a candidate’s academic and professional journey. For candidates applying for roles requiring detailed evaluation, a CV is indispensable.

What is a Resume?

If a CV is a documentary, Resume is a ‘highlight reel’. Derived from the French word for ‘summary’, a resume condenses the career achievements, focusing on the specific job at hand.

Key Features of a Resume

  1. Length and Brevity

  • A Resume is 1-2 pages long only.
  • It focuses directly on the job-relevant skills, leaving out the extraneous data.
  1. Purpose and Use

Resume is tailored to specific job and industry requirements. Resumes are:

  • Commonly used to apply for corporate, industry-specific, or entry-level job positions.
  • Standard format for job applications in the S. and Canada.
  1. Contents

A resume, emphasizing relevance, typically contains the following sections:

  • Contact Information: Name, email, phone number and LinkedIn Profile Link.
  • Summary or Objective: A brief 2-3 sentence overview of your career achievements and goals.
  • Skills: Key hard (technical) and soft (human) skills relevant to the job.
  • Work Experience: Recent roles with quantified achievements (e.g. “Increased sales by 30%”).
  • Education: Highest degrees and job-relevant certifications.
  • Optional Sections: Volunteer work and projects (if applicable).

Pro Tip: Use metrics to specify skills. For example “Managed $1M budget, to launch marketing campaigns, generating a 28% ROI”.

Who Should Use a Resume?

A resume is ideal choice if you’re:

  • Applying for corporate jobs, especially in Tech, Finance, Marketing, or Sales Corporate roles prioritize skills and results over detailed history.
  • Aiming for jobs in North America (U.S. & Canada), where resume is thought to be a standard.

Why Does a Resume Matter?

A resume is a snapshot of your qualifications. In the fast-paced corporate world, hiring managers spend an average of 7 seconds on each resume, so it’s crucial to highlight your relevant skills and accomplishments right away. A well-crafted resume, focused on job-relevant strengths and results, grabs attention quickly to give you an edge over other candidates.

What are some Examples of CV and Resumes?

To really grasp the curriculum vitae cv vs resume nuances, seeing samples side by side is vastly helpful.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Example:

Here’s a CV example of Dr. Alice Johnson, a microbiologist applying for a research grant at a top university. Notice how her CV details her career, including research, publications, and achievements—just as we discussed earlier.

Resume Example

Next, here’s a resume of Mark Stevens, a digital marketing specialist from Calgary, applying for a marketing role at a tech startup. His resume highlights only the most relevant skills and accomplishments, demonstrating why he’s the ideal candidate for the job:


The key takeaway? Know your audience and tailor your document to fit their expectations. Sending the wrong document can hurt your chances:

  • A short resume for an academic position may seem underprepared.
  • A long CV for a corporate role can overwhelm the recruiter.

In Dr. Alice’s case, her detailed CV was essential for her research grant application, and impressed the selection committee. For Mark, the hiring manager valued his focused, results-driven resume.

Conclusion: CV vs Resume — choosing the right document to stand out

Resolving the Resume vs CV debate is about more than definitions—it’s about tailoring your approach to the job at hand.

Using the right document shows you understand the role’s expectations, helping you stand out as the right candidate.

A CV provides a comprehensive overview, making it ideal for academic, research, or highly specialized roles. A resume with its concise focus on key strengths and accomplishments, is better suited for corporate and industry positions.

Still doubtful which one to use? You can seek guidance from our resume writing experts to craft the most suitable document which sets you apart.

After all, a well-prepared CV or resume can be the bridge between you and your dream opportunity.

don’t let it be the barrier.

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